The Calm
Today and Yesterday have felt like the calm before a huge storm. This time the storm is Japanese New Year's. All the stores have special hours for like a week starting tomorrow. I think I am underestimating what will happen the next week. I feel like all the Japanese people are looking at me thinking "He has no idea...".
At 1/1/06 09:54,
Anonymous said…
got the address off your xanga. i love christmas break, because it lets you catch up with people even if all that means is reading their blog. your trip sounds amazing. so many "i hope i remember that always" moments. it sounds like we may never convince you to come back to waco. the lean back song came on the other day and a group of us died laughing thinking about semi-formal and you dancing and decided that we missed you terribly and that dancing wasn't the same without you.
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