Good Times in Tokyo

See what happens when people stop being polite and start getting oolong'd.

23 April 2006


To continue on this theme of food, two disturbing things happened yesterday that I thought I should report.

Yesterday in my daily trip to the QQ (the 99 yen store), I saw a thing of Natto and decided I should give it a try. I had tried this food once before in high school when our teacher brought some for us to try. Natto is easily the most offensive food of Japan. (Here's a link to tell you more.) It's like fermented soybeans and smell somewhat like rotting garbage and it's really stringy. Anyway, so I hadn't had natto since I'd come to Japan, so I wanted to give it another try. And well...I actually kind of liked it. The thing is, I know how it tastes. I remember when I tasted it 4 or so years ago, you can't forget that taste. So this means after 7 months or so of Japanese food, my taste has changed so much that I can not only stand natto, but semi-enjoy it.

And if that isn't disturbing enough, here's another changing tastes story. Also in QQ yesterday they had Dorrito's "nacho cheesier" type crisps. Being that they are my favourite, I bought those up fast. I was pretty excited about seeing those cuz I had been missing that kind of flavour. But sadly, when I ate them...they weren't that good. Which afraids me cuz I wonder what will happen when I go back and eat all this food that I haven't eaten in a year. I had better still enjoy Taco Bell.

That's all I got.


  • At 23/4/06 22:05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it afraids you? HeHe!

  • At 3/5/06 17:48, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ahhh can I be the 1st to take you to Taco Bell upon your return? I think I will make a list of things to do when you get back to will be exciting I promise.


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