Shake and Bake
Today I got an email that said my only class was canceled, so I took that as permission to sleep in till 12. Sleeping in would be a lot easier if this road wasn't so loud especially during the morning and mid day. It was an actual sunny day so I decided to do some more laundry since my other laundry was finally dry. Even though it was sunny, it has definately cooled down quite a bit here. I'm still wearing flip flops and shorts though. Mostly out of habit.
After dinner today there was another earthquake. But this one lasted a bit longer than the last one. The quake was weaker though. Still got my heart racing of course. I'll probably get asked a million times about this earthquake like I was asked earlier this week about the first one. Every Japanese person I talked to this week asked me what I thought about the earthquake. One teacher said "日本からプレゼント" (It's a present from Japan).
I looked online today to see options about possibly going to Nagasaki next month. My friend Leslie is studying there this semester so I thought it would be a good chance to see another part of Japan and a familiar face at the same time. Traveling in Japan is way too expensive. Even though everything is connected by trains and such, the trains are so expensive. There are buses you can also take which are a little cheaper but still expensive. And of course flying is expensive. Hopefully I will be able to find something cheaper, because all though Tokyo is great and all, I'd really like to see other parts of Japan.
After dinner today there was another earthquake. But this one lasted a bit longer than the last one. The quake was weaker though. Still got my heart racing of course. I'll probably get asked a million times about this earthquake like I was asked earlier this week about the first one. Every Japanese person I talked to this week asked me what I thought about the earthquake. One teacher said "日本からプレゼント" (It's a present from Japan).
I looked online today to see options about possibly going to Nagasaki next month. My friend Leslie is studying there this semester so I thought it would be a good chance to see another part of Japan and a familiar face at the same time. Traveling in Japan is way too expensive. Even though everything is connected by trains and such, the trains are so expensive. There are buses you can also take which are a little cheaper but still expensive. And of course flying is expensive. Hopefully I will be able to find something cheaper, because all though Tokyo is great and all, I'd really like to see other parts of Japan.
At 20/10/05 00:45,
Anonymous said…
Tell Japan to keep their "presents"! Hurricane Rita was a rude girl here in Texas. I guess we need to get someone in the family in a blizzard and tornado to make the month complete! I enjoy your blog. Keep writing.
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