Good Times in Tokyo

See what happens when people stop being polite and start getting oolong'd.

04 December 2005

End of the Year Party

Last night the Hosei International Department held an end of the year party for basically anyone related to anything international in the school. Which included students who studied abroad, students who are going to study abroad and us exchange students. I thought it was just going to be a low key thing but it was in a really nice banquet hall and everyone was dressed up. Luckily there were more people than just me in jeans. They had really nice food and all so that was a treat. Then they had a korean student go up and do a martial arts presentation. But only about half of the people paid attention. Then they had a chinese student go up and do a dance to a Chinese pop song. It was sort of an interpretive dance with pop moves. Pretty funny, especially since we were in this really formal setting and here was this guy basically breakdancing in the middle. Of course we had to go up to the front and "Jikoshoukai" (self introduction). If you go to Japan, just go ahead and prepare a few basic sentenaces about yourself because everywhere you go they will ask you to do jikoshoukai. Every time there is any sort of international student event, I always see these 2 guys from the Hi-C party there. And they always end up trashed by the end of the event. This time was no exception. I wonder if they are actually involved or just come for the free booze.


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