Good Times in Tokyo

See what happens when people stop being polite and start getting oolong'd.

14 November 2005

Monday Madness

Yesterday I went with Daniel to get information for our business project. Basically we have to compare 3 homemade items around Tokyo with something made in a department store. Apparently this man is from another part of Japan that isn't massively commercial. Because it's really hard to find "mom and pop" stores like he had asked us to. Even stores that look like they could be are normally chain stores. But I ended up lucking out and found some gyoza makers. Gyoza are chinese dumpling sort of things. Sort of like what you would put in an egg roll but in a dumpling, and are normally grilled.

Then last night I went back to Tokyo Baptist for their worship/concert. It was good I think. I'm not too sure, it was really charasmatic and mind you Pastor Jim told us clapping was a sin. I mean charasmatic as in, as the pastor told us, "ya'll just need to get down with your black self". Not charasmatic as in crazies speaking tounges and "healing" people then taking your money. It was all very interesting thought because the church is really from all over. There are lots of Filipino people and many western people among the Japanese people. Kind of neat to see all those people together in one place.

This morning I had my russian class. Today she told me about her opinion about the mass marketing of American products to former soviet republics after perestroika. All in russian and japanese. One of those "where am I?" moments.

I've been looking up a lot of info for my trip to Kyoto next week. It's going to be pretty exciting. Our hostel is right in the centre of town and I've gotten some information about some cool places to go and how to save money on transport. Apparently fall is the best season to go to Kyoto because of the leaves turning. They are turning in Tokyo as well I think but there are like 3 trees for the 20 million of us. If you happen across some must-sees or do's in Kyoto, share the wealth.


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