Halloween Party
Last night I left my room key in a Taxi cab in Roppongi, so I spent part of the night sleeping on Quentin's floor. But I was tired so it didn't matter too much. I thought the dorm manager would get mad at me since I lost the key, but when I finally found him he just gave me the key and told me to be careful next time. That I will, if I hadn't been with friends I'm not sure what I would have done.
This afternoon was the Halloween party for the school I am teaching at. It was pretty funny. All the kids that came dressed up, sort of. There was one kid about 3 maybe and was just dressed in a black trashbag. I'm not sure exactly what that was meaning. Maybe some sort of artsy thing. We played some games with the kids and then handed out candy after they all said "Trick Or Treat, Happy Halloween!". I forgot to bring my camera so I didn't get any cute Japanese kid pictures. Sorry.
Tonight Quentin, Atilla and I went to a pizzeria sort of place. It was pretty much greatness. The pizza actually tasted good and wasn't sweet like every other Japanese pseudo-western food. They also had a "drink bar" where you could pay 300 yen to have all you can drink soft drinks, coffee and tea. I took them up on that. I am definately looking forward to free refills back in the US. Also, the restaurant took credit cards. Pretty exciting, it was the first time I was able to use a credit card here.
Tonight is another construction night. This time they are re-laying the same road that they layed down the other week. This feels like Johnson County: constant road construction and no real progress. Although at least in the JoC they weren't right outside my window. Atilla described it as having a "Discotech" because of the lights.
This afternoon was the Halloween party for the school I am teaching at. It was pretty funny. All the kids that came dressed up, sort of. There was one kid about 3 maybe and was just dressed in a black trashbag. I'm not sure exactly what that was meaning. Maybe some sort of artsy thing. We played some games with the kids and then handed out candy after they all said "Trick Or Treat, Happy Halloween!". I forgot to bring my camera so I didn't get any cute Japanese kid pictures. Sorry.
Tonight Quentin, Atilla and I went to a pizzeria sort of place. It was pretty much greatness. The pizza actually tasted good and wasn't sweet like every other Japanese pseudo-western food. They also had a "drink bar" where you could pay 300 yen to have all you can drink soft drinks, coffee and tea. I took them up on that. I am definately looking forward to free refills back in the US. Also, the restaurant took credit cards. Pretty exciting, it was the first time I was able to use a credit card here.
Tonight is another construction night. This time they are re-laying the same road that they layed down the other week. This feels like Johnson County: constant road construction and no real progress. Although at least in the JoC they weren't right outside my window. Atilla described it as having a "Discotech" because of the lights.
At 30/10/05 23:43,
Anonymous said…
Hello Scott
And G'day from Downunder. I was hunting around the web for stuff on publishing cookbooks when I came across Halloween Party. It's just amazing what these searches turn up. I'm not sure I'm finding what I need, but I'm having a lot of fun. Have a great day!
At 1/11/05 09:11,
Anonymous said…
mama jade is goint as MARIOS other 1/2!!
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