Good Times in Tokyo

See what happens when people stop being polite and start getting oolong'd.

20 October 2005


Once again there was no rain today. Quite exciting. And there were no clouds really. A pretty nice day in Tokyo. I saw some women wearing fur coats though. Not that cold ladies... They will do anything for fashion here.

This morning I found an ad online for english tutoring and, sweet irony, it was for a place right next to the Tsutsujigaoka station. I was pretty excited so I updated my resume and sent them an email inquiring about the job. I didn't think I would even hear back from them at all. But when I got back home today and checked my email, they had written me back with a list of class times that they have available for teaching and asked me when I would be available. So I emailed them back the time I would be available and they emailed me back later on this night and said they would like to interview me this saturday! I had pretty much given up all hope of finding any sort of job here, so this is quite the surprise. Also, the person in charge told me what kind of class it was. And I was wondering since on the ad it said that they prefered people with expirience with children. The class sessions are for preschool aged children. So if it works out imagine me teaching the ABC's to little japanese 2-3 year olds.

After class I went to Rachel's place, the YWCA. Since it was a pretty nice day I took some pictures on top of their roof. At their building they have access to the roof which gives a pretty nice view of Tokyo.

The big building is the Hosei tower.

This is a row of flats right next to their building. I was actually trying to get a picture of a man reading the newspaper and brushing his teeth. Which you can kind of see.

This is one of the many rooftop gardens. There were better ones around but I could only really get pictures of this one since the sun was really bright.

Supposedly you can see Mount Fuji really well on a clear day in the west on a taller building. Hopefully it will be clear and I can try to get a good picture tomorrow.

When I was walking home from the station today this man on a bike asked me "Lost walking around?". He was dressed like a vietnam war vet from the 70's. He just wanted to make sure I wasn't lost. These Japanese people are just too nice. In America the directions from strangers you get is a shotgun blast when you are in the wrong part of town.


  • At 21/10/05 16:47, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oaky so you do know that when you click on the pictures they show an enlarged pic. its quite glorious. so when you do that you can see the man eating cereal quite well.


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