Colder-esque days
It's getting somewhat colder in Tokyo, but not as cold as I would expect it to be in October. Global warming or something I guess. Although the weather is stable unlike Kansas where the snow day could be followed be a week of spring like weather in January. But you would guess that we live in Siberia by the way Japanese people dress. Everyday I see women in furs and huge parka-like coats. And guys are wearing big scarves and gloves and whatever else is in fashion.
Yesterday on the train, I should note, was the most crowded I had ever been. At one point some man had his head on my shoulder sleeping. Probably the most awkward 30 minute train ride yet. I've gotten used to the crowded trains but moments like that I don't think I will ever get used to. Or when a man got his man purse stuck between us and was practically feeling me up trying to get it loose. No wonder they made those women-only trains here.
When we had our study abroad meeting about what to expect when we go, they told us we would have different stages. Like the honeymoon stage, the homesickness stage etc. I passed the honeymoon stage pretty much a week after I got here. And I've been in this "trying to get used to it all" stage. Right now I am still thinking of my time here as a trip instead of a year abroad. They never told us about that in those meetings.
Yesterday on the train, I should note, was the most crowded I had ever been. At one point some man had his head on my shoulder sleeping. Probably the most awkward 30 minute train ride yet. I've gotten used to the crowded trains but moments like that I don't think I will ever get used to. Or when a man got his man purse stuck between us and was practically feeling me up trying to get it loose. No wonder they made those women-only trains here.
When we had our study abroad meeting about what to expect when we go, they told us we would have different stages. Like the honeymoon stage, the homesickness stage etc. I passed the honeymoon stage pretty much a week after I got here. And I've been in this "trying to get used to it all" stage. Right now I am still thinking of my time here as a trip instead of a year abroad. They never told us about that in those meetings.
At 3/11/05 05:25,
Anonymous said…
How is Japan! Send me a post card!
At 3/11/05 10:30,
Anonymous said…
man purse! - you should have taken it!
At 3/11/05 11:24,
Anonymous said…
Yeah it was like 80 today...are you jealous:) I just love hearing about your day to day laughs, struggles, journeys; it is just so enlightening and entertaining! You have such a gift Scott! I enjoy getting to see your transformation from an awesome teen into the amazing man you are becoming! I'm so proud of you!!
*sigh* *sniff*sniff*
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