Speech Contest
I should elaborate on this speech contest I've been finangled into doing. We had the opening party for the speech contest last friday. A Hi-C party is always something to remember. The other people doing the speech contest are all Chinese students I found out. Chinese students who speak Japanese fluently none the less. So it's pretty much a given I'll be not only the token whitey, but the token crappiest speaker. Should be fun.
Each of the contestants have a group of about 10 Hi-C members to help them out with their speech. 10 people. My goodness. My group is pretty interesting. The "leader" (and I use this word very loosely...) is this guy who dresses in hip-hop clothes and wears a diamond-encrusted razorblade around his neck. The other members of my group include about 6 or 8 first year girls. At least they don't scream. But they are very girly and giggle at everything I say.
Then I found out that this speech is supposed to be about 10 minutes long, instead of the 5 minutes I unintentionally signed up for. Should be a hoot.
Each of the contestants have a group of about 10 Hi-C members to help them out with their speech. 10 people. My goodness. My group is pretty interesting. The "leader" (and I use this word very loosely...) is this guy who dresses in hip-hop clothes and wears a diamond-encrusted razorblade around his neck. The other members of my group include about 6 or 8 first year girls. At least they don't scream. But they are very girly and giggle at everything I say.
Then I found out that this speech is supposed to be about 10 minutes long, instead of the 5 minutes I unintentionally signed up for. Should be a hoot.
At 29/5/06 13:35,
sarah said…
Sounds like some sort of Carolyn trickery. You know, doing things you don't wanna do and stuff of that nature. I'm a horrible person ;) .
At 22/7/06 18:45,
Anonymous said…
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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