So a quick update about my little speech contest thingy. The topic is very vague. It's basically supposed to be about something you like. And since I am partly a dork and like "Rent", I thought I would talk about Rent. And since Rent has a lot of heavy issues like AIDS, Homelessness and drug abuse all wrapped up in catchy lyrics, I thought I could use it as a way to do a little rant about how Japan ignores these kind of problems. I thought that since I was going to lose, I might as well lose in...glory (cue "one song glory". Yeah, I wasn't kidding about being a dork). So I gave my speech group a little preview of this speech in my horrible Japanese. And surprise surprise, they basically said "we don't talk about these kind of things in Japan". Coming from a country who didn't have an official policy on AIDS until 2000...I really shouldn't be too shocked. But, oh well. So I have to make another attempt in horrible Japanese about something more "appropriate" for a speech contest. At least I know I'm constant. I'm not only offensive at Baylor, but also at Hosei. Hoorah.
Other than the speech contest, nothing too much has been going on. I substituted at my old job last Saturday. The kids really liked me and were sad to learn I wouldn't teach them the next week. That's about it for this update.
Oh, This is my page on Youtube.com where I put some videos up. Look there everynow and then.
Other than the speech contest, nothing too much has been going on. I substituted at my old job last Saturday. The kids really liked me and were sad to learn I wouldn't teach them the next week. That's about it for this update.
Oh, This is my page on Youtube.com where I put some videos up. Look there everynow and then.
At 2/6/06 02:43,
Anonymous said…
keep being offensive. In the words of someone..."The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off."
At 9/6/06 13:10,
Anonymous said…
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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