Good Times in Tokyo

See what happens when people stop being polite and start getting oolong'd.

02 July 2006

Speech Results

Well. No surprise here, but one of the many people who spoke Japanese fluently won the speech contest and I came home with a lot of "good job"s. There was one guy who didn't even memorize his speech but just read it off the paper and he even won something. But people actually laughed at my speech so who cares.

The whole speech contest turned out to be some what of a formal affair which was accented by me in jeans. Even if I knew about the suave-ness of the event, that was probably the most dressiest thing in my closet anyway.

A lot of people came up to me afterwards and said that mine was the best. Even if they were lying, it's still a nice little ego trip.

I'll put up my speech in a later post with a translation to let my audience judge for themselves.

The before of the stage.

Me giving the speech. My name is proudly displayed on the top there as "Scott Dixon Russell". And they got the name of my speech wrong as well. I blame it on blatant racism.

My friend Kyoko and I. Earlier one of my speech group members came up to me and handed me that statue without explaining anything. So I used it for pictures.

My semi-speech-group. There, officially, are 14 members in the speech group, but these were the only people who ever came to any of the meetings

Me with Mr. Boissonade (who the Hosei "boisonadde tower" is named after)


  • At 3/7/06 11:30, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i loved your speech....

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  • At 16/8/06 13:23, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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